She is always ahead of the latest fashion trends, and Kendall Jenner certainly made a bold statement on Thursday with her unique outfit. She rocked a shirt with the front part cut out, showing off her bra and well-toned midriff. Despite the purposely distressed and almost destroyed look of her Metallica shirt, the 20-year-old exuded confidence as she grabbed a juice in Beverly Hills. Check out the video below to see her fearless fashion choice.
Kendall Jenner turned heads on Thursday in Beverly Hills with a daring outfit choice, wearing a shirt that was cut away at the front to showcase her bra and toned stomach. The stylish tee allowed her to flaunt her satin bra from popular brand Are You Am I, a favorite of hers and friend Hailey Baldwin. Paired with mom jeans and white boots, Jenner completed her look with a high ponytail and beaded necklace. In other news, the 20-year-old recently purchased a $6.5 million mansion in the Hollywood Hills, which caused a stir among neighbors when talk show host Jimmy Kimmel mentioned that some were less than thrilled about her moving in.
Arranging things by importance: He exuded self-assurance in his worn Metallica shirt, which seemed to have been purposely distressed (and maybe even damaged), as he casually picked up a juice.
Her outfit was topped off with mom jeans that hit just above the ankle and a stylish pair of white boots.
Bar-vo: Wearing a slashed tee allowed the celebrity to flaunt her new favorite satin bra from up-and-coming brand Are You Am I. This bra has quickly become a staple in her wardrobe, as well as her friend Hailey Baldwin’s.
Fade To Black: It’s hard to say if the girl really likes the band or if she’s just rocking the shirt for style.
During an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the host mentioned to Kendall that there was tension in the neighborhood when she moved in. It seems like the neighbors were not happy with the situation and even went as far as sending emails about it.
Reflecting on the incident, Kimmel jokingly said that the neighbors pointed fingers at Kendall for the issue. Kendall then confessed that there had been some commotion when a stalker was apprehended near her house.
Brown-haired beauty: Her daringly ripped T-shirt made sure to grab everyone’s attention.
Fearless: The model, known for her bold runway appearances, seemed completely unfazed as she strutted down the street in the daring outfit.
Sipping on juice with her friends, the TV personality was accompanied by some buddies on their health-focused outing. Reflecting on the incident, she shared, “I definitely caused some commotion on our block – I had a few fans turned stalkers. It’s been quite eventful lately.” Just a few weeks ago, law enforcement had to intervene when Kendall returned home and a man trailed her onto the property. He was arrested for stalking, with additional reports indicating there was already an outstanding warrant for his apprehension.
Fresh pad: The 20-year-old model just purchased a lavish $6.5 million mansion in the Hollywood Hills.
Tension in the neighborhood: Kendall disclosed that she made a commotion when a stalker was apprehended near her house. “I definitely made a scene on our block – had some stalkers,” she revealed. However, the TV host promised Kendall that he would ensure her safety going forward. “I’m like the leader of the local watch group. No need to worry, I’ll handle any situation, even if it means coming out in my underwear,” Kimmel quipped. Following her appearance, she was seen exiting Jimmy’s program in a sleek white McLaren sports car alongside rapper Tyler The Creator on Wednesday night.
Stylish ride: Kendall was seen catching a lift in a luxurious white McLaren sports car with Tyler The Creator following her guest appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!